How To Blend Your Creative & Professional Side on Social Media

How To Blend Your Creative & Professional Side on Social Media

 Yes We Code Chat 31: How To Blend Creativity And Business on Social Media

#YesWeCode Chat 31: How To Share Your Creative & Professional Self on Social Media
Sunday 11/8/15 at 8pmCT
Follow me on Twitter @uchechi_writes

Blending two career paths and/or interests online can be tricky. My husband and I both know several musicians/coders and I constantly see fellow entrepreneurs sharing their creativity on social media. As a poet, startup founder and entrepreneur, I’ve discovered that it has a lot to do with what your goals are on social media. Are you sharing one part of yourself for you career and the other is just fun? Do you want to grow and monetize both selves? Knowing your audience is important, but so is figuring out how you can engage, inform, learn, inspire, educate?

If you’re interested in maximizing what what you get out of social media sharing, while also giving yourself freedom to explore your creativity, this is a chat topic you’ll want to join.

During the next #yeswecode chat, we’ll  explore this topic because  and I look forward  to learning from other entrepreneurs and creatives.

I’ve chosen to focus on doing these things and letting go of the rest. This is you, and it’s an important part of you. People want to share that, especially if they can learn something for their own lives.

Questions To Think About:
1. Should we have to be one dimensional online? We aren’t in real life?
2. How can we bring together all the essential parts of our work?
3. Do we have to create separate social accounts for all the different parts of ourselves?
4. Can we just be “creatives” and what does that even mean?
5. What are ways you’ve integrated the two? What’s worked? What hasn’t worked?


See you there!

YesWeCode chat 23: How To Be Yourself On Social Media

YesWeCode chat 23: How To Be Yourself On Social Media

Yes We Code chat 23: How To Be Yourself Online
Sunday 7/12/15 at 6pmPT/8pmCT
Follow me @uchechi_writes


Last month was quite a month in history.  It was definitely an emotional roller coaster. We went from the sadness and despair of the Charleston shooting to the joy of celebrating the right of all people to be legally married in the United States.

With all of the events happening, I’ve started talking to people I know about how we express/don’t express ourselves on social media when a major event happens and affects us all.

Did you have certain reactions to Charleston, but said nothing on Twitter because you weren’t sure if it was okay to express yourself? Did you feel like even though the world was changing in devastating ways, you’d be judged if you voiced what you really wanted to say? And that it might come back to haunt you?

During the next #yeswecode chat we’ll discuss what it means to have a voice, how to share it with others and how to balance sharing great content that is both public and private.

Questions to think about:

  1. Do you feel your social media presence should be different from our real life?
  2. How so?
  3. How do we be “real” in our social media presence in light of events like Charleston.
  4. What does being “real” in your social media presence meant to you?
  5. Do we have a responsibility to share our views/perspective?

See you on Sunday! Is this your first #yeswecode chat? Check out the guidelines to help you make the most of it.

#Yeswecode chat #7: The power of social capital

#Yeswecode chat #7: The power of social capital

Topic: Can social capital support diverse  tech entrepreneurship?

Date: Sunday October 12,2014 8pmCT

Thank you for showing up, for trusting and for engaging in these conversations. The next diversity in tech #yeswecode twitter chat happens on Sunday September 28th at 8pm Central Time. Please connect with me on Twitter to stay updated. I am so inspired by all of you.

If you’re reading this, I hope you can join us for the next one. If you missed the first chats, you can read more about them here. Before participating, please read the guidelines so you know what to expect and how to best participate.

During the last chat, we talked about VC funding and how it can be a barrier to tech entreprenurship. But lately I’ve been wondering, does it have to be? What if they there were creative ways we could all support diverse tech startups, including bootstrapping companies. Does lack of VC funding have to mean the end? What if social capital could help bootstrap tech entrepreneurs until we all got the venture capital resources we all need to go big.

Think about it! Remember the last time you smiled to yourself after your blog post got retweeted, favorited, liked or shared? It felt pretty awesome now didn’t it?

Finding backing for your project, idea or blog post is essential because it validates what you are already doing and gives you the momentum to keep going.

The truth is, we’re not all VCs and we might not all find VC funding to help us get to market. But, we all have social capital–the ability to invest in ideas with our social media networks and connections. So, what if we could use it and leverage it to support diversity in technology?

For the next chat, here are some questions to think of:

  • How can social capital help bootstrapping startups get to market before receiving VC capital?
  • Are there specific ways to leverage social capital towards generating more users and sales?
  • How can we leverage social capital in positive ways, without it becoming more of a popularity contest?

Bring your thoughts and your great ideas. This conversation needs you!