Creating a diverse VC pool to support diverse tech entrepreneurship
Sunday September 28th at 8pm
Guests: Rob Lalka, J. Anthony Miguez & Hank Torbert
Thank you for showing up, for trusting and for engaging in these conversations. The next diversity in tech #yeswecode twitter chat happens on Sunday September 28th at 8pm Central Time. Please connect with me on Twitter to stay updated. I am so inspired by all of you.
If you’re reading this, I hope you can join us for the next one. If you missed the first chats, you can read more about them here. Before participating, please read the guidelines so you know what to expect and how to best participate.
Creating a diverse VC pool to support diverse tech entrepreneurship
These days, it’s hard to talk about the startup tech space without also talking about diversity and efforts to help bridge the digital divide.
From initiatives like Google’s Made With Code to Van Jones’ Yes We Code, more and more organizations are using tech education to bring more diversity to technology.
But, what about those of us in the tech space whose needs are more related to startup funding than tech education? As a tech startup co-founder, I definitely have a personal stake in the subject.
In 2013, 2% of VC funding went to women-led startups, while the majority of the funding went to white male led companies.
Here’s the thing: To me, diversity in technology has never been about a numbers game. It’s been more connected to opportunity and access for all tech entrepreneurs, especially if you don’t fit the stereotype of the 20 year old Stanford CS major.
- It’s about older tech entrepreneurs who are interested in starting companies, but wondering if there’s space for them.
- It’s about anyone who never went to college, who wonders how much a degree matters.
- It’s about non coders who want to bring their UX Design or Information Architecture skills to the table, but aren’t sure if there’s space for them in the startup world, especially as non coders.
- It’s about saying that all of us, yes all of us, need to be creators & users of technology products if we are to be at the forefront of tech innovation.
In order for us to get there, I believe we need access to tech skills AND startup capital – including a diverse pool of Angels and VCs – to support an equally diverse pool of entrepreneurs.
During this chat, we’ll discuss unique ways we can find financial support for tech entrepreneurship. We’ll be joined by VCs and startup mentors, so you don’t want to miss this one.
Bring your thoughts and your great ideas. This conversation needs you!