Thank you for showing up, for trusting and for engaging in these conversations. The next diversity in tech #yeswecode twitter chat happens on Sunday September 7th at 8pm Central Time. Please connect with me on Twitter to stay updated. I am so inspired by all of you.

If you’re reading this, I hope you can join us for the next one. If you missed the first chats, you can read more about them here. Before participating, please read the guidelines so you know what to expect and how to best participate.

Is a college education necessary for gaining access to tech jobs?

Many successful tech startup founders have one thing in common: they were all college dropouts or didn’t go to college at all.  The success of college dropouts in the tech space has raised this question: Is college a necessary piece of gaining access to tech jobs?

A recent article in  Fast Company  tells the story of alternatives to college for youth interested in tech careers.  During the next #yeswecode chat, we’ll discuss the following ideas:

  • Is college attendance/graduation a necessary qualification for a career in tech?
  • How does having a degree affect one’s access to tech jobs?
  • Should we encourage tech career oriented youth to attend college in the first place?
  • Do cultural & socioeconomic factors play a role? How?

Chat Goals:

  • To always focus on solutions
  • To network and create visibility around diverse tech communities
  • To find out what the diverse tech community needs are and help support it

Feel free to hit me up in the comments with your ideas.  Note: If you’re here to share positive suggestions, feel free to post. You don’t have to agree with me (in fact, I encourage everyone to share their perspective), but being respectful is important. If you feel the need to name call or say mean things for the sake of being mean, then this conversation is probably not a good fit.  Thank you!

Sharing is caring!