#YesWeCode chat 18: How to bounce back after your startup setback

Sunday April 19th, 2015

Starting a business can be exciting and adventurous, but it can also be full of many setbacks and challenges.  As the co-founder and CEO of wedocracy, I’m very familiar with these ups and downs. Recently, a friend put it in perspective when she reminded me of all of my startup accomplishments so far. There are days when I wonder if bouncing back has more to do with perspective than anything else. So, let’s talk about it!

The truth is, most startups fail and it’s really brave to embrace entrepreneurship and solve a real problem. Not everyday is filled with amazing stories of how you’re “killing it”, and that’s okay. Some days are really difficult, and it’s often hard to imagine moving through the bad times and getting back on your feet.

Questions to think about:

  • How do you know when you’re in a startup business rut?
  • Who do you turn to for support?
  • What actions helps you get back on track?
  • Do you are going through a business setback, do you tell people and ask for support?
  • How do you define business success/setbacks?
  • Can rethinking what it means to have startup success positively impact how we deal with setbacks?

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