by Uchechi | Apr 28, 2017 | Blog
#NaPoWriMo Day 28
she brought me a plant
said it was meant to usher in new beginnings
i’m changing
we all are
and there we both stood
women who just by looking at each other
no we really knew
that now we had truly lived
the disappointment muddled with our knowledge
of just how powerful we both could be
welled could be bathed us both in my tears
i couldn’t stop crying
maybe this is what grace is
the understanding of what the moment we are each seen
in our less than perfect states
and told that yes we too
will always be loved
and guess what?
there’s enough of the love to cover all of our
Copyright 2017 Uchechi Kalu
by Uchechi | Apr 14, 2017 | Blog
Today’s poem was inspired by a conversation I had with my mother earlier this week. I knew her immigration story from Nigeria to the United States, but what I didn’t know was the story she told of applying for her first passport. I didn’t know what it was like for her to hold that in her hand and to also connect the dots and see the possibilities that were about to open up for her. This poem is for my mother. Thank you for applying for your first passport.
#NaPoWriMo Day 14
the passport
my mother never knew just what it felt like
to hold one
the smooth slightly pebbled jacket
the anemic yet sturdy spine
for the first time
she held her future
she took that spine
and built a whole back
for her children to stand up
by Uchechi | Apr 3, 2017 | Blog
#Napowrimo Day 3
T’ang Poetry is a style of Classic Chinese Poetry that began during the T’ang Dynasty. While studying creative writing, I studied T’ang Poetry and it has forever changed how I see poetry and language. The idea is to write with minimum words and maximum impact. Enjoy!

in the presence of this morning
wake turn smile touch hip
hand cup breast warm liip
sign see sun slide shine
lift head drink day sip