Yes We Code Chat 33: Your Tech Year In Review
It’s almost the end of the year, which means that the New Year is around the corner. Over the past year, I’ve hosted the #yeswecode chat and enjoyed learning from so many techies, both experts and newbies.
For the next #yeswecode chat, we’re going to talk about what the last year has been like in your world. What have been your successes? Failures? What lessons have you learned? What progress have you made?
Some questions to think about:
- What’s one thing you’ve achieved that you thought impossible a year ago?
- Did you achieve your tech goals? What were they?
- How were you able to achieve them?
- what were your setbacks? how did you overcome them
- What’s one thing you learned about yourself and/or your work in tech this year?
- What’s on your list for next year? Where do you see yourself by this time next year? What accomplishments do you hope to share with us?
- What should we as a community be thinking about for 2016? What should we be doing as a group?