A Time Before This
Kicking off National Poetry Month with the #NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) challenge: 1 poem a day.
It’s not about worrying the poem to death or making it perfect. It’s about putting it out there, being vulnerable and sharing. I am grateful for this opportunity to share my gifts as a poet, lover of language and technologist. Enjoy!
it is good to remember
that there was a time before this
i see you squatting in the corner of the public restroom
i see you having locked yourself in your room
unable to see what’s next how to leave
him how to grow yourself out of this job where
the men who say they love your work at work
want you to say you love them
it is good to remember
that there was a time before this
you my dear
belonged to some body
you my dear belonged
to someone
warmth sat beside you wrapped its arms around you pulled
you in close and the skin the contact welcomed you into the world
and that was another way to explain grace
it is good to remember
just when you feel you can’t breathe just when you’re beginning
to wonder if you can expand your chest and just exhale
everything you’ve ever wanted to say
say it now my dear
say it now
it is good to remember
there were giggles before this
all of us laughed and hollered
hyena style before this
the ones without parents
the ones with the drug addicted loved ones
the ones with the perfect family portrait
all of us will one day end up curled up in the corner
in a public restroom or our own private ones
and be unable to breathe
this is when i need you
to remember
that there was a time before this moment
when you were loved
and if it happened before
it will happen once
© Uchechi Kalu 2017