Yes We Code Chat 32: Hybrid Entrepreneurship

Yes We Code Chat 32: Hybrid Entrepreneurship

For entrepreneurs, hustling is a way of life. Some of us have gotten to the point in our careers where our side hustle has become our full time gig, while others are still holding down another job full time while working towards a bigger entrepreneurial goal.

Welcome to Hybrid-Entrepreneurship: it’s all about working a full time job while building a business part-time. The philosophy is that you’re going to leverage your job in a way that helps you in your business but will also help you at your job.

During the next #yeswecode chat, we’ll discuss hybrid-entrepreneurship and how to transition from your full time dreams to running and owning your own business.


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Some questions to think about:

  1. Is it worth our time to pursue hybrid entrepreneurship?
  2. What are the benefits/challenges?
  3. What are some alternatives?
  4. On Shark Tank they are fond of pointing out the diff between a real biz and a hobby. Responses?
  5. Has anyone here been successful at it? Pls share your success stories?
  6. How did you finally make the transition from hybrid entrepreneur to full time entrepreneur?
  7. What lessons have you learned along the way?
  8. What advice would you give to others who want to make their side hustle into their full time entrepreneurial gig?