Yes We Code chat 20: Developing Your Tech Craft

Yes We Code chat 20: Developing Your Tech Craft

#YesWeCode chat 20: Developing Your Tech Craft
Sunday May 17th, 2015

Historically, the idea of developing and honing ones craft has been left to artists. Painters, writers and sculptors spend their whole lives practicing, evolving and changing how they do things to make their technique better and to serve their artistic creativity.

As a poet and UX Designer, I believe technologists are no different. We’re the modern creatives, and instead of using brushes we’ve got wireframes, Google Fonts and CSS. But, are we improving our technique and changing how we do things to serve our work in tech? Or, are we just focused on getting a few skills down so we can find the next coding, design or blogging gig.

Acknowledging that our creativity in technology is our craft is important because it allows us to see what we do as a life long journey and not just our next destination.

During the next #yeswecode chat, we’ll talk about how to develop your craft into lifelong skills that you can use at any job.

Questions to think about:

  1. How does your “work” influence industries outside technology?
  2. When you think about “developing your craft”, what does that mean to you?
  3. What practices do you have in place to make sure your craft evolves over time?
  4. What can we learn from how artists develop their craft? How can we apply it to tech?
  5. Given that the tools, the practices, even the materials of our craft change daily, how can we maintain a center?
  6. Artists have clear identities, styles. Do we? Should we? If so, in what ways? If not, why not?
  7. How does your personal identity inform your craft?

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